Help! Resources for Managing Female Chronic Pelvic Pain in a Busy Clinical Practice
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a condition that affects nearly 26% of the world’s population, and specific conditions such as endometriosis can affect up to 10% of reproductive age woman and girls globally. CPP is as prevalent as asthma, low back pain, and chronic migraine; it is multifactorial and associated with many nociceptive, neurologic, and nociplastic factors, affecting several domains of the patient’s quality of life. Despite this, there are several obstacles interfering and delaying proper care. They include: a perceived lack of empathy from health professionals towards patients, with dismissive attitudes impacting the patient-provider relationship; a lack of access to high quality educational resources for both health professionals and patients; time constrains in the clinical setting; and unawareness of tools available to better organize the patient’s history/clinical findings. The objectives of this presentation are to discuss challenges in assessing and treating those with CPP, and offering resources for patients and practitioners. Join this engaging and interactive presentation.
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- 1.00 AANP
- 1.00 ACCME (All Other)
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- 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy
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- 1.00 APA